School Innovation and Improvement Plan

Outcome Goals for 2023-24 School Year

School Innovation and Improvement Plan At A Glance

  • 2023-2024

  • Floris Elementary School

  • Region 5

  • Holly Walker, Principal

Reading by 3rd Grade




Measurable Outcome

By June 2024, the percentage of Grades 1-3 students demonstrating within-year growth in reading, as measured by the iReady assessment, will increase by at least 5 percentage points.

Strategy 1


Increase use of data (e.g., iReady, CORE, PASS, PRF, WIDA) to plan instruction and monitor progress for students demonstrating risk. (HLP 2-5)

Action 1

CLTs unpack phonics/word study scope and sequence to provide systematic, explicit instruction in word recognition to all students on a daily basis.

Action 2

CLTs embed weekly Lexia check-ins in order to more intentionally utilize Lexia Core5/Power Up and the recommended Lexia Lessons with direct teacher support to provide Tier 2 intervention.

Action 3

Include evidence-based, at-home resources for families/caregivers to support the development of word recognition outside of school in our community communications.

Strategy 2


Expand use of independent practice with a variety of texts (e.g., decodable, nonfiction, fiction) and meaningful tasks (e.g., Lexia, writing about reading). (HLP 2-4)

Action 1

Utilize decodable word lists, sentences, and decodable texts to promote transfer of decoding skills to text.

Action 2

Include weekly opportunities for students to talk and/or write in response to reading/listening to complex texts.

Strategy 3


Expand use of conversation structures to increase academic talk and build relationships among students. (HLP 1, 3)

Action 1

Embed language arts into morning meetings by intentionally including opportunities to build oral language skills, including phonemic awareness.

Action 2

Plan and implement interactive read-alouds of complex texts that include activities before, during, and after reading that are intentionally focused on oral language and vocabulary development.

Algebra 1


Measurable Outcome

By June 2024, the percentage of Grades 4-6 students scoring in the pass-advanced range, as measured by the Spring SOL, will increase by at least 5 percentage points.

Strategy 1


Improve teachers’ implementation of Framework for Engaging & Student-Centered Mathematics Instruction.


Action 1

Conduct professional development sessions with teachers on how to use Ready Set Math and ST Math for targeted small group instruction and progress monitoring.

Action 2

Conduct professional development sessions with teachers on the explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.

Action 3

Dedicate specific time for teams to unpack the FCPS Rubric for High-Quality Mathematics Unit Plans and implement the use of the rubric in planning.

Strategy 2

Increase teachers’ implementation strategies related to Shift 4: from show and tell to share and compare.


Action 1

Conduct professional development sessions with teachers that introduce them to Shift 4 and allow them to self-assess and set personal goals.

Action 2

Grade level teams will work during their weekly CLT to develop lessons that emphasize an increase in student-led collaboration and student-led communication to include the planning and use of thinking routines, grouping structures and scaffolds to support student-led discussion.

Portrait of a Graduate (POG)

Measurable Outcome

By June 2024, 100% of students in 4th Grade will “get started” by scoring at least proficient on Criterion 1 of the POG POL rubric; 100% of students in Grade 5 will “make progress” by scoring at least proficient on Criterion 1 & 3 of the POG POL rubric; and 100% of students in Grade 6 will participate in POG POL with their full rubric scores recorded in RUBI.

Strategy 1

Expand opportunities for students to regularly learn about, apply, and reflect on POG skills aligned with course content.

Action 1

Grade level teams will plan and implement at least one PBL in Science or Social Studies per quarter aligned to POG skills. The planned PBL will emphasize student choice and allow for opportunities for student collaboration, communication and critical and creative thinking.

Action 2

Integrate POG skills into Morning Meeting and within subject content.

Strategy 2

Expand opportunities for students to discuss evidence of growth of POG attributes.

Action 1

All specials classes (K-6) will identify 1-2 attributes of choice to target and facilitate student identification of those attributes.

Action 2

All students will have regular opportunities to reflect on their POG skills use in self-assessments, whole group discussions, reflections, conferences, or other appropriate projects.